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Call Speaker Pelosi today and tell her to start impeachment

Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other House leaders have the ability to start impeachment proceedings. By not acting on impeachment, Congress is abdicating its oversight responsibilities and setting a dangerous precedent, signaling for future presidents that Trump’s actions are allowed. We need to make sure she does her job and holds Trump accountable.

Call Speaker Pelosi now to tell her to take a stand against this lawless president and begin an impeachment inquiry today.

Phone Script:

My name is [your name] and I’m calling to let Speaker Pelosi know that the country is counting on her to hold Donald Trump accountable and act on impeachment.

The Mueller report provides a clear roadmap to impeachment and was left in the hands of Congress to hold Trump accountable.

By not acting on impeachment, Congress is abdicating its oversight responsibilities and setting a dangerous precedent, signaling for future presidents that Trump’s actions are allowed.

Can I count on Speaker Pelosi to take steps to start an impeachment inquiry against our lawless president?